Alpine Centers Addiction and Mental Health Healing

Welcome to Alpine Center for Personal Growth & Alpine Medical Services


Outpatient Detox for Alcohol and Opiates

Mental Health

CBT/DBT In Person and Online


Outpatient Group and Individual Therapy

Find Hope and Healing with Alpinecenters

In today’s fast-paced world, challenges like drug dependency, alcohol abuse, and mental health struggles can…

Drug Addiction Treatment

Overcoming Drug Addiction: Effective Treatment Options at Alpine CentersDrug addiction is a complex and challenging…

Addiction Help

Addiction Help at Alpine Centers: Take the First Step Toward RecoveryStruggling with addiction can feel…

Alpine Centers Utah

Why Choose Alpine Centers? Alpine Centers isn’t just another treatment facility; it’s a community of…

Intensive Outpatient Treatment Utah

Exploring Intensive Outpatient Treatment in Utah: A Comprehensive Look at Alpine CentersWhen it comes to…

Outpatient Alcohol Detox Utah

Personalized and Professional care to help you detox and reclaim your life! Outpatient Alcohol Detox…

Vivitrol is a Solution for Many Opioid and Alcohol Addicts who Want Treatment

Quitting alcohol or opioids is no cakewalk. These are two of the most difficult mind-altering…

Campral: Medication for Alcohol Addiction

Unlike illegal drugs, the consumption of alcohol is considered socially acceptable, making it difficult for…

In the Wake of the Recent Deaths of Spade and Bourdain Lets Talk about Suicide

With the unexpected recent suicide deaths of beloved chef Anthony Bourdain and top designer Kate…

Suboxone – Opioid Addiction Treatment

Modern medicine has made opioid withdrawal much more bearable with the drug suboxone.Many people in…