Alpine Centers Addiction and Mental Health Healing
If you are considering recovery or already have some sobriety time under your belt, we’ve put a list together of our personal favorite resources for recovery in Utah. Everything suggested in our list either promotes entering recovery or things to do while in active recovery.
Quite often, people with addiction or people in recovery want to get help or support with their issues, but they don’t know where to start. They feel stuck in the endless cycle of addiction and feel overwhelmed by the thought of stopping their use of mood or mind-altering substances.
Five Suggestions of Recovery Resources in Utah that Offer Healing
1. Healing Through Exercise
Fit To Recover is another awesome organization that helps people who have a problem with substance abuse. Located in Salt Lake City, FTR encourages people in recovery by offering support with physical activity, community gatherings, nutritional support, and creative endeavors.
2. Healing Through 12 Step Programs and Community
Twelve-step programs are another awesome resource for someone who wants to get help for an addiction problem. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are the most popular. These are fellowships of men and women who are recovering from an addiction to alcohol or drugs. If you visit their websites, you can search for a meeting nearby.
3. Healing with Therapy
Therapy is another suggestion for people who want to find freedom from active addiction and a great way to take care of emotional health during recovery. Some people shy away from the thought of entering a rehab facility or getting treatment, but they might be willing to see a therapist. While Alpine Centers offers amazing therapy support by experienced addiction professionals, there are many more therapists in Utah than can help.
4. Healing Through Yoga
Yoga and meditation are alternative ways to motivate an addicted person to get the help they need to fight the problem of addiction. These spiritual activities have a mysterious way of inspiring someone to be get healthy and encouraging them to take better care of themselves. Salt Lake City has a few great studios that offer yoga for recovery classes.
5. Healing Through Treatment
If entering an inpatient facility seems uprooting and expensive, day treatment or outpatient treatment can be a great way to get support and care while still maintaining daily responsibilities. At Alpine Centers, we provide a wide-range of treatment services to address all aspects of the recovering person. We offer mental health and substance abuse assessment and evaluation services, opioid replacement therapy, day programs, Intensive Outpatient Programs and Aftercare.
These are just a few of the many resources for recovery in Utah to try yourself or to offer to someone who is struggling with an addiction with drugs or alcohol. Remember, if you present this list to someone in active addiction, do it in a loving and compassionate manner. Do not pressure the person or demonstrate any anger of resentment. Explain that you found these resources and thought they might want to give one of them a try.